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Vehicle Air Drops

Vehicle Air Drops 1.0.20
Adds airdrops to the game for Helicopters, Boats, Subs, Bikes, Motorbikes, and more.

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Leroy Jenkins

Leroy Jenkins submitted a new resource:

Vehicle Air Drops - Adds airdrops to the game for Helicopters, Boats, Subs, Bikes, Motorbikes, and more.

Vehicle Airdrops​

This plugin adds several new types of Airdrops and their corresponding Supply Signals. Players can access them including a built-in Vending Machine at Outpost and/or through integration with Server Rewards and Economy . There’s also a built-in command shop. You decide what the individual probabilities/prices/currencies are and the way a dropped vehicle/locked crate is handled...

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IMPORTANT NOTE: As of September 2023 forced wipe, Facepunch have re-purposed the static parachute prefab that has been used by Vehicle Airdrops for over 3 years. Now it’s a dynamic, player-oriented version that doesn’t show when attached to vehicles or anything other than a player. This means that Vehicle Airdrops will have no visual parachutes attached to them for the next couple of weeks. I am currently designing a replacement parachute from other prefabs (signs, rugs) and will be updating Vehicle Airdrops as soon as possible, but until then – I appreciate your patience and understanding!​

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