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Treasure Maps

VIP RUST Treasure Maps 1.1.5
Treasure Maps

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About Treasure Maps​

How to use :
You get 4 map Items .
You can get those Maps from rust containers/prefabs .
You chose what map will spawn in what container and chance to spawn in that container in config .
When player press unwarp on map item it will spawn chest from that map .
Player will get chat text where chest spawned and he will see MapMarker on map.
Each map will spawn chest(prefab) with your loot inside.
All is customizable , Map Items ,Loottable items, Prefab Chest - prefab skin, Prefabs where maps will spawn with chance , Npc Prefab - amount of npc - spawn radius, LocalTreasureMaxDistance: " ",
MaxOpenedMaps : " ", MapOpenCooldown : " " .
Coins are also unwarpable ,after unwarp you will get loot from your config for that coin (item/plugin balance)

Key Features :
Customizable Map Items :
Offer a range of treasure maps with distinct loot tables, stack sizes, and skins to make each find a fresh experience.
Dynamic Loot Spawns :
Configure treasure chests with specific loot tables, ensuring rewards are always enticing and fair.
NPC Defenders :
Add an extra challenge with NPCs guarding the treasures, making each hunt a thrilling encounter.

You can add bradley for each map item ,bradley will sit on spawned chest.
You can change for each map item will it be enabled , health, min - max chest .
Flexible Spawn Configurations :
Set where and how often maps can spawn in the game world, adjusting the rarity and discovery chance.
Permission :

Commands :
command : /givemap <display name> <quantity>; example /givemap green map 5,
command : /givecoin <display name> <quantity>; example /givecoin gold coin 5,
command : /givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givemapto copek green map 5,
command : /givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givecointo copek gold coin 5,
console command : givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givemapto copek green map 5,
console command : givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givecointo copek gold coin 5,

For opening virtualy chest to balance loot :
ConsoleCommand : mapsim <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in game console
ConsoleCommand : mapsimr <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in rcon console

Config Example :

"LocalTreasureMaxDistance": 150.0,
"MaxOpenedMaps": 3,
"MapOpenCooldown": 60,
"MaxOpenedCoins": 3,
"CoinOpenCooldown": 60,

"LocalTreasureMaxDistance - max distance of spawning prefab/chest",
"CustomStackSize - you can change stack size of each map,and for coins",
"You can change skin and display name of each map,for each coin",
"MinItemPerChest/MaxItemPerChest - how much items player will get from spawned chest ",
"MinItemPerCoin/MaxItemPerCoin - how much items player will get from coin",
"SpawnedPrefabChest - what chest will spawn when you unwarp map item,if you put default rust container it will be default rust loot table",
"SpawnedPrefabSkin - skin of prefab",
"You can add more items to loottable,works also with loottable of coins",
"Min/MaxAmount - quantity of that item (you can put min/max - to same number (1),so its min and max 1 quantity of that item)",
"Probability - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) chance to get that item",
"IsBlueprint - if true you will give bp of that item",
"command : /givemap display name quantity; example /givemap green map 5",
"command : /givecoin display name quantity; example /givecoin gold coin 5",
"Spawns - PrefabPath (chose where will map spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn map in that prefab),works also with coins,works also with coins",
"SpawnCount - how much scientist will be defending chest",
"SpawnRadius - distance where scientist will spawn",
"NpcOptions - you can change stats of npc Health,Damage and more",
"Kits - you can use kits or you can manualy add wear,belt items",
"EntityDisplayName - name of npc, for each group change name ,if you are using custom loot for npc",
"CustomLoot - true/false ,if true you can add custom loot table for npc body",
"You can now add new custom item <coins>, coins can we crackopen/unwarp and you will get items/plugin balance",
"In coins you have option to give economics and serverrewards",
"Economy: here you put item or plugin",
"PluginName: economics or serverrewards"
"Maps": [
"CustomStackSize": 10,
"ItemDisplayName": "Green Map",
"ItemShortname": "xmas.present.large",
"SkinID": 3073615238,
"SpawnedPrefabChest": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab",
"SpawnedPrefabSkin": 1818868472,
"MinItemPerChest": 1,
"MaxItemPerChest": 2,
"LootTable": "greenmap",
"LootTables": {
"greenmap": [
"DisplayName": "",
"Shortname": "rock",
"SkinID": 0,
"MaxItemAmount": 5,
"MinItemAmount": 1,
"Probability": 1.0,
"IsBlueprint": false
"NPCSpawns": [
"SpawnCount": 1,
"SpawnRadius": 5.0,
"EntityDisplayName": "Treasure Guard",
"Health": 100,
"RoamRange": 5.0,
"ChaseRange": 30.0,
"SenseRange": 20.0,
"ListenRange": 10.0,
"AttackRangeMultiplier": 1.0,
"CheckVisionCone": true,
"VisionCone": 140.0,
"HostileTargetsOnly": false,
"DamageScale": 1.0,
"AimConeScale": 1.0,
"Speed": 6.0,
"MemoryDuration": 10.0,
"Kit": "",
"WearItems": [
"ShortName": "",
"SkinID": 0
"BeltItems": [
"ShortName": "",
"Amount": 0,
"SkinID": 0,
"Mods": [
"Ammo": 0
"CustomLoot": false,
"LootTable": [
"DisplayName": "Custom Rock",
"Shortname": "rock",
"SkinID": 0,
"MaxItemAmount": 5,
"MinItemAmount": 1,
"Probability": 1.0,
"IsBlueprint": false
"Spawns": [
"PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
"SpawnChance": 0.0
"SpawnBradley": false,
"BradleyHealth": 1000,
"MinCratesToSpawn": 1,
"MaxCratesToSpawn": 3
"Coins": [
"CustomStackSize": 10,
"ItemDisplayName": "Gold Coin",
"ItemShortname": "easter.goldegg",
"SkinID": 3151241149,
"MinItemPerCoin": 1,
"MaxItemPerCoin": 10,
"LootTable": "goldcoin",
"LootTables": {
"goldcoin": [
"Economy": "Item",
"PluginName": "",
"DisplayName": "Gold Coin",
"Shortname": "easter.goldegg",
"SkinID": 3151241149,
"MaxItemAmount": 10,
"MinItemAmount": 1,
"Probability": 1.0,
"IsBlueprint": false
"Economy": "Plugin",
"PluginName": "Economics",
"DisplayName": "Gold Coin",
"Shortname": "easter.goldegg",
"SkinID": 3151241149,
"MaxItemAmount": 100,
"MinItemAmount": 50,
"Probability": 1.0,
"IsBlueprint": false
"Economy": "Plugin",
"PluginName": "ServerRewards",
"DisplayName": "Gold Coin",
"Shortname": "easter.goldegg",
"SkinID": 3151241149,
"MaxItemAmount": 200,
"MinItemAmount": 150,
"Probability": 1.0,
"IsBlueprint": false
"Spawns": [
"PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
"SpawnChance": 100.0
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