Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, claiming vehicles, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones and much more.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json
All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section.
You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly.
It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "".
NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions.
"List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [
"Permission Name": "realpve.default",
"Bypass Queue": false,
"Limit of beds": 15,
"Limit of shelters": 1,
"Limit of auto turrets": 12,
"Monuments price multiplier": 1.0,
"Events price multiplier": 1.0,
"Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1,
"RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0,
"Vehicles settings": {
"Horse": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 10.0
"Bike": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 5.0
"MotorBike": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 20.0
"Car": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 25.0
"Permission Name": "",
"Bypass Queue": true,
"Limit of beds": 20,
"Limit of shelters": 2,
"Limit of auto turrets": 15,
"Monuments price multiplier": 0.9,
"Events price multiplier": 0.9,
"Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2,
"RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9,
"Vehicles settings": {
"Horse": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 9.0
"Bike": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 4.5
"MotorBike": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 18.0
"Car": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 22.5
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 1
An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions.
For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100.
"RealPVE command": "realpve",
"Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true,
"Use GameTip for messages?": true,
"Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true,
"Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "{0}$",
"Is it worth allowing a backpack to drop upon player death?": true,
"Is it worth blocking damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true,
"Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false,
"Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument.": false,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update.": false,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. At 1, the helicopter will behave as it did before the April update.": 1.0,
"Settings for the events": {
"PatrolHelicopter": {
"IsEnabled": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"BradleyAPC": {
"IsEnabled": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true,
"Wipe ID": null,
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 7
"MsgNoteText": "Welcome to our PvE server!\nThis server utilizes the RealPVE plugin.\nYou can find more details about the plugin at the following link:",
"MsgAdminLootEnabled": "You have been added to the loot restriction ignore list!",
"MsgAdminLootDisabled": "You have been removed from the loot restriction ignore list!",
"MsgTeamFFireEnabled": "Friendly fire enabled by {0}!",
"MsgTeamFFireDisabled": "Friendly fire disabled by {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} occupied {0} in {2} minutes.",
"MsgMonumentFree": "{0} is available for looting!",
"MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Unlock Treasures of {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "You died while looting {0}. You have {1} seconds.",
"MsgMonumentLooterExit": "You have left the monument. You have {0} seconds to return!",
"MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Time's up! You have been removed from the monument!",
"MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "You have been added to the loot queue. Loot cost: {0}",
"MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "You are not in the queue! You need to re-enter the monument!",
"MsgMonumentNoAccess": "no access",
"MsgEventOccupied": "{0} is already occupied by {1}!",
"MsgEventOfferTitle": "Claim {0}!",
"MsgEventOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgEventNewLooter": "You have claimed {0}. You have {1} death for your team.",
"MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} is no longer yours! You have exceeded your death limit!",
"MsgEventComplete": "{0} destroyed at coordinates: {1}!",
"MsgEventCargoShip": "Cargo Ship",
"MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter",
"MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Bradley",
"MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "This Raidable Base is either disabled or not found!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "The Raidable Base is already occupied by {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {0} out of {1} available Raidable Bases.",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Payment successful! Please wait...",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "You have successfully purchased the Raidable Base!",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "You were unable to purchase the Raidable Base! Funds refunded.",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Claim {0} Raidable Base!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "{0} Base",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootRemaining": "Loot Remaining",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootCompleted": "Completed",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "no access",
"MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Easy",
"MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Medium",
"MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Hard",
"MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Expert",
"MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Nightmare",
"MsgPrivlidgeClear": "{0} players have been removed from the Building Privilege.",
"MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Only you are authorized in the Building Privilege.",
"MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "Department of Motor Vehicles",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration fee: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration date: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nRegistration date: \nType: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration fee: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nType: \nReg date: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nReg date: \nType: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "The car lift is empty!",
"MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Register Vehicle",
"MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Cancel registration",
"MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "The password must consist of 4 digits!",
"MsgVehicleNotOwner": "You are not the owner!",
"MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "You are not the owner or their friend!",
"MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "You do not have permissions for this action!",
"MsgVehicleLinked": "The {0} has been successfully linked! You have {1} out of {2} available.",
"MsgVehicleUnLinked": "The {0} has been successfully unlinked!",
"MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "You can only deauthorize by unlinking the vehicle from you.",
"MsgVehicleLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {1} out of {2} available.",
"MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Your vehicle {0}({1}) has been destroyed!",
"MsgVehicleFind": "Your vehicle {0} is located in grid {1}!",
"MsgVehicleClear": "Removed {0} vehicles!",
"MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "No vehicles found for removal!",
"MsgVehicleNotFound": "Vehicle not found!",
"MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "To authorize in the tugboat, it must be claim!",
"MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Land",
"MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Air",
"MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Water",
"MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Winter",
"MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "Train",
"MsgVehicleHorse": "horse",
"MsgVehicleBike": "bike",
"MsgVehicleMotorBike": "motor bike",
"MsgVehicleCar": "car",
"MsgVehicleBalloon": "air balloon",
"MsgVehicleMinicopter": "minicopter",
"MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "transportHeli",
"MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "attack heli",
"MsgVehicleRowBoat": "row boat",
"MsgVehicleRHIB": "RHIB",
"MsgVehicleTugBoat": "tugboat",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "small submarine",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "submarine",
"MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "snowmobile",
"MsgVehicleTrain": "train",
"MsgFree": "Free",
"MsgNoDate": "null",
"MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Not enough funds!"
"MsgNoteText": "Добро пожаловать на наш PvE сервер!\nДанный сервер использует RealPVE плагин.\nПодробней о плагине можно узнать по ссылке:",
"MsgAdminLootEnabled": "Вы добавлены в список игнорирования ограничения лутания!",
"MsgAdminLootDisabled": "Вы удалены из списка игнорирования ограничения лутания!",
"MsgTeamFFireEnabled": "{0} включил дружественный огонь!",
"MsgTeamFFireDisabled": "{0} выключил дружественный огонь!",
"MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} занял {0} на {2} минут.",
"MsgMonumentFree": "{0} можно лутать!",
"MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Откройте сокровища {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "Вы умерли во время лутания {0}. У вас есть {1} секунд.",
"MsgMonumentLooterExit": "Вы покинули монумент. У вас есть {0} секунд на возвращение!",
"MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Время вышло! Вы были удалены из монумента!",
"MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "Вас добавили в очередь на лутание. Стоимость лутания: {0}",
"MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "Вас нет в очереди! Вам необходимо перезайти в монумент!",
"MsgMonumentNoAccess": "нет доступа",
"MsgEventOccupied": "{0} уже занят игроком {1}!",
"MsgEventOfferTitle": "Займите {0}!",
"MsgEventOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgEventNewLooter": "Вы заняли {0}. У вас на команду есть {1} жизней.",
"MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} больше не ваше! Вы исчерпали свой лимит жизней!",
"MsgEventComplete": "{0} уничтожен в координатах: {1}!",
"MsgEventCargoShip": "Карго",
"MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет",
"MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Танк",
"MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "Эта Рейд база выключена или не найдена!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "Эта Рейд база уже занята игроком {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {0} из {1} доступных Рейд баз.",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Оплата прошла! Ожидайте...",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "Вы успешно приобрели Рейд базу!",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "Вам не удалось приобрести Рейд базу! Деньги возвращены.",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Займите Рейд базу уровня: {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "Уровень: {0}",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootRemaining": "Осталось лута",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootCompleted": "Выполнено",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "нет доступа",
"MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Легко",
"MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Средне",
"MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Сложно",
"MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Эксперт",
"MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Кошмар",
"MsgPrivlidgeClear": "Из шкафа выписано {0} ироков.",
"MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Кроме вас в шкафу ни кто не авторизован.",
"MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "ГИБДД",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nТип: \nСтоимость регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nТип: \nДата регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nДата регистрации: \nТип: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nТип: \nСтоимость регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nТип: \nДата: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nДата: \nТип: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "Подъемник пустой!",
"MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Поставить на учет",
"MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Снять с учета",
"MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "Пароль должен состоять из 4-х цифр!",
"MsgVehicleNotOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем!",
"MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "Вы не являетесь владелецем или его другом!",
"MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "У вас нет прав для этого действия!",
"MsgVehicleLinked": "{0} успешно привязан(а)! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.",
"MsgVehicleUnLinked": "{0} успешно отвязан(а)!",
"MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "Вы можете выписаться только при отвязки транспорта от вас.",
"MsgVehicleLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.",
"MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Ваше транспортное средство {0}({1}) было уничтожено!",
"MsgVehicleFind": "Ваше транспортное средство {0} находится в квадрате {1}!",
"MsgVehicleClear": "Удалено {0} транспортных средств!",
"MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "Транспортные средства для удаления не найдены!",
"MsgVehicleNotFound": "Транспортное средство не найдено!",
"MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "Для авторизации в буксире, его необходимо поставить на учет!",
"MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Наземный",
"MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Воздушный",
"MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Водный",
"MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Зимний",
"MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "ЖД",
"MsgVehicleHorse": "Лошадь",
"MsgVehicleBike": "Велосипед",
"MsgVehicleMotorBike": "Мотоцикл",
"MsgVehicleCar": "Машина",
"MsgVehicleBalloon": "Воздушный шар",
"MsgVehicleMinicopter": "Мини коптер",
"MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "Корова",
"MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "Боевой вертолет",
"MsgVehicleRowBoat": "Лодка",
"MsgVehicleRHIB": "Патрульная лодка",
"MsgVehicleTugBoat": "Буксир",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "Маленькая подлодка",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "Подлодка",
"MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "Снегоход",
"MsgVehicleTrain": "Поезд",
"MsgFree": "Бесплатно",
"MsgNoDate": "пусто",
"MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Не достаточно средств!"
This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players.
In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences.
An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json
This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments.
You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities.
Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them.
If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing.
Example of monument configuration:
"ferry_terminal_1": {
"Type": "RadTown",
"ShowSuffix": true,
"Broadcast": true,
"LootingTime": 900,
"Price": 15.0,
"BarSettings": {
"Order": 10,
"Height": 26,
"Main_Color": "#FFBF99",
"Main_Transparency": 0.8,
"Main_Material": "",
"Image_URL": " ",
"Image_Sprite": "",
"Image_IsRawImage": false,
"Image_Color": "#FFDCB6",
"Image_Transparency": 1.0,
"Text_Size": 12,
"Text_Color": "#FFFFFF",
"Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
"SubText_Size": 12,
"SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF",
"SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf"
A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section.
"List of tracked types of monuments": [
Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events.
All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section.
You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities.
Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players.
If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event.
Example of event configuration:
"Settings for the events": {
"PatrolHelicopter": {
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"BradleyAPC": {
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json
An example of an item list given for the main inventory:
"List of items for the main inventory": [
"ShortName": "note",
"Slot": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"SkinID": 0,
"Text": "MsgNoteText"
P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json
Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players.
Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them.
- The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag;
- Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true;
- The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true";
- The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints;
- The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard;
- No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.);
- Players can't gather resources within the Building Privilege of someone else;
- Administrators can bypass loot restrictions;
- The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege;
- Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full;
- The ability to disable 'Give' messages;
- The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach;
- The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions;
- The ability to allow players to bypass the queue;
- The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission;
- The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission;
- The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions;
- The ability to assign vehicles to each player;
- The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions;
- An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege;
- The ability to loot monuments through a queue system;
- The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument;
- The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase;
- The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives);
- NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases;
- Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs;
- RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid;
- Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased;
- Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level;
- Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json
All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section.
You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly.
It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "".
NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions.
"List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [
"Permission Name": "realpve.default",
"Bypass Queue": false,
"Limit of beds": 15,
"Limit of shelters": 1,
"Limit of auto turrets": 12,
"Monuments price multiplier": 1.0,
"Events price multiplier": 1.0,
"Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1,
"RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0,
"Vehicles settings": {
"Horse": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 10.0
"Bike": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 5.0
"MotorBike": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 20.0
"Car": {
"Limit": 1,
"Price": 25.0
"Permission Name": "",
"Bypass Queue": true,
"Limit of beds": 20,
"Limit of shelters": 2,
"Limit of auto turrets": 15,
"Monuments price multiplier": 0.9,
"Events price multiplier": 0.9,
"Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2,
"RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9,
"Vehicles settings": {
"Horse": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 9.0
"Bike": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 4.5
"MotorBike": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 18.0
"Car": {
"Limit": 5,
"Price": 22.5
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 1
An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions.
For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100.
"RealPVE command": "realpve",
"Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true,
"Use GameTip for messages?": true,
"Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true,
"Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "{0}$",
"Is it worth allowing a backpack to drop upon player death?": true,
"Is it worth blocking damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true,
"Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false,
"Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument.": false,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update.": false,
"PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. At 1, the helicopter will behave as it did before the April update.": 1.0,
"Settings for the events": {
"PatrolHelicopter": {
"IsEnabled": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"BradleyAPC": {
"IsEnabled": true,
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true,
"Wipe ID": null,
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 7
"MsgNoteText": "Welcome to our PvE server!\nThis server utilizes the RealPVE plugin.\nYou can find more details about the plugin at the following link:",
"MsgAdminLootEnabled": "You have been added to the loot restriction ignore list!",
"MsgAdminLootDisabled": "You have been removed from the loot restriction ignore list!",
"MsgTeamFFireEnabled": "Friendly fire enabled by {0}!",
"MsgTeamFFireDisabled": "Friendly fire disabled by {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} occupied {0} in {2} minutes.",
"MsgMonumentFree": "{0} is available for looting!",
"MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Unlock Treasures of {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "You died while looting {0}. You have {1} seconds.",
"MsgMonumentLooterExit": "You have left the monument. You have {0} seconds to return!",
"MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Time's up! You have been removed from the monument!",
"MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "You have been added to the loot queue. Loot cost: {0}",
"MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "You are not in the queue! You need to re-enter the monument!",
"MsgMonumentNoAccess": "no access",
"MsgEventOccupied": "{0} is already occupied by {1}!",
"MsgEventOfferTitle": "Claim {0}!",
"MsgEventOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgEventNewLooter": "You have claimed {0}. You have {1} death for your team.",
"MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} is no longer yours! You have exceeded your death limit!",
"MsgEventComplete": "{0} destroyed at coordinates: {1}!",
"MsgEventCargoShip": "Cargo Ship",
"MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter",
"MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Bradley",
"MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "This Raidable Base is either disabled or not found!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "The Raidable Base is already occupied by {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {0} out of {1} available Raidable Bases.",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Payment successful! Please wait...",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "You have successfully purchased the Raidable Base!",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "You were unable to purchase the Raidable Base! Funds refunded.",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Claim {0} Raidable Base!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "{0} Base",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootRemaining": "Loot Remaining",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootCompleted": "Completed",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "no access",
"MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Easy",
"MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Medium",
"MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Hard",
"MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Expert",
"MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Nightmare",
"MsgPrivlidgeClear": "{0} players have been removed from the Building Privilege.",
"MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Only you are authorized in the Building Privilege.",
"MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "Department of Motor Vehicles",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration fee: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration date: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nRegistration date: \nType: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nType: \nRegistration fee: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nType: \nReg date: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nReg date: \nType: \nCategory: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "The car lift is empty!",
"MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Register Vehicle",
"MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Cancel registration",
"MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "The password must consist of 4 digits!",
"MsgVehicleNotOwner": "You are not the owner!",
"MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "You are not the owner or their friend!",
"MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "You do not have permissions for this action!",
"MsgVehicleLinked": "The {0} has been successfully linked! You have {1} out of {2} available.",
"MsgVehicleUnLinked": "The {0} has been successfully unlinked!",
"MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "You can only deauthorize by unlinking the vehicle from you.",
"MsgVehicleLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {1} out of {2} available.",
"MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Your vehicle {0}({1}) has been destroyed!",
"MsgVehicleFind": "Your vehicle {0} is located in grid {1}!",
"MsgVehicleClear": "Removed {0} vehicles!",
"MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "No vehicles found for removal!",
"MsgVehicleNotFound": "Vehicle not found!",
"MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "To authorize in the tugboat, it must be claim!",
"MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Land",
"MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Air",
"MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Water",
"MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Winter",
"MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "Train",
"MsgVehicleHorse": "horse",
"MsgVehicleBike": "bike",
"MsgVehicleMotorBike": "motor bike",
"MsgVehicleCar": "car",
"MsgVehicleBalloon": "air balloon",
"MsgVehicleMinicopter": "minicopter",
"MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "transportHeli",
"MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "attack heli",
"MsgVehicleRowBoat": "row boat",
"MsgVehicleRHIB": "RHIB",
"MsgVehicleTugBoat": "tugboat",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "small submarine",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "submarine",
"MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "snowmobile",
"MsgVehicleTrain": "train",
"MsgFree": "Free",
"MsgNoDate": "null",
"MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Not enough funds!"
"MsgNoteText": "Добро пожаловать на наш PvE сервер!\nДанный сервер использует RealPVE плагин.\nПодробней о плагине можно узнать по ссылке:",
"MsgAdminLootEnabled": "Вы добавлены в список игнорирования ограничения лутания!",
"MsgAdminLootDisabled": "Вы удалены из списка игнорирования ограничения лутания!",
"MsgTeamFFireEnabled": "{0} включил дружественный огонь!",
"MsgTeamFFireDisabled": "{0} выключил дружественный огонь!",
"MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} занял {0} на {2} минут.",
"MsgMonumentFree": "{0} можно лутать!",
"MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Откройте сокровища {0}!",
"MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "Вы умерли во время лутания {0}. У вас есть {1} секунд.",
"MsgMonumentLooterExit": "Вы покинули монумент. У вас есть {0} секунд на возвращение!",
"MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Время вышло! Вы были удалены из монумента!",
"MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "Вас добавили в очередь на лутание. Стоимость лутания: {0}",
"MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "Вас нет в очереди! Вам необходимо перезайти в монумент!",
"MsgMonumentNoAccess": "нет доступа",
"MsgEventOccupied": "{0} уже занят игроком {1}!",
"MsgEventOfferTitle": "Займите {0}!",
"MsgEventOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgEventNewLooter": "Вы заняли {0}. У вас на команду есть {1} жизней.",
"MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} больше не ваше! Вы исчерпали свой лимит жизней!",
"MsgEventComplete": "{0} уничтожен в координатах: {1}!",
"MsgEventCargoShip": "Карго",
"MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет",
"MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Танк",
"MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "Эта Рейд база выключена или не найдена!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "Эта Рейд база уже занята игроком {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {0} из {1} доступных Рейд баз.",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Оплата прошла! Ожидайте...",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "Вы успешно приобрели Рейд базу!",
"MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "Вам не удалось приобрести Рейд базу! Деньги возвращены.",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Займите Рейд базу уровня: {0}!",
"MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "Уровень: {0}",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootRemaining": "Осталось лута",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarTextLootCompleted": "Выполнено",
"MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "нет доступа",
"MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Легко",
"MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Средне",
"MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Сложно",
"MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Эксперт",
"MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Кошмар",
"MsgPrivlidgeClear": "Из шкафа выписано {0} ироков.",
"MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Кроме вас в шкафу ни кто не авторизован.",
"MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "ГИБДД",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nТип: \nСтоимость регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nТип: \nДата регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nДата регистрации: \nТип: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nТип: \nСтоимость регистрации: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nТип: \nДата: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegisteredValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nДата: \nТип: \nКатегория: ",
"MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{4}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>",
"MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "Подъемник пустой!",
"MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Поставить на учет",
"MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Снять с учета",
"MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "Пароль должен состоять из 4-х цифр!",
"MsgVehicleNotOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем!",
"MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "Вы не являетесь владелецем или его другом!",
"MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "У вас нет прав для этого действия!",
"MsgVehicleLinked": "{0} успешно привязан(а)! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.",
"MsgVehicleUnLinked": "{0} успешно отвязан(а)!",
"MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "Вы можете выписаться только при отвязки транспорта от вас.",
"MsgVehicleLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.",
"MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Ваше транспортное средство {0}({1}) было уничтожено!",
"MsgVehicleFind": "Ваше транспортное средство {0} находится в квадрате {1}!",
"MsgVehicleClear": "Удалено {0} транспортных средств!",
"MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "Транспортные средства для удаления не найдены!",
"MsgVehicleNotFound": "Транспортное средство не найдено!",
"MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "Для авторизации в буксире, его необходимо поставить на учет!",
"MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Наземный",
"MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Воздушный",
"MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Водный",
"MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Зимний",
"MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "ЖД",
"MsgVehicleHorse": "Лошадь",
"MsgVehicleBike": "Велосипед",
"MsgVehicleMotorBike": "Мотоцикл",
"MsgVehicleCar": "Машина",
"MsgVehicleBalloon": "Воздушный шар",
"MsgVehicleMinicopter": "Мини коптер",
"MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "Корова",
"MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "Боевой вертолет",
"MsgVehicleRowBoat": "Лодка",
"MsgVehicleRHIB": "Патрульная лодка",
"MsgVehicleTugBoat": "Буксир",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "Маленькая подлодка",
"MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "Подлодка",
"MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "Снегоход",
"MsgVehicleTrain": "Поезд",
"MsgFree": "Бесплатно",
"MsgNoDate": "пусто",
"MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Не достаточно средств!"
- admin:
- loot - Enables or disables the ability for the player who enter the command to loot other players' boxes, bodies, backpacks, etc. Permission "realpve.admin" required.
- vehicle:
- find - helps to find a player's vehicle;
- unlink - unlinks the vehicle without the need to approach it;
- clear - unlinks all vehicles.
- team:
- ff - Enable/Disable damage to teammates. Only the group leader can use this command.
This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players.
In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences.
An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json
This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments.
You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities.
Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them.
If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing.
Example of monument configuration:
"ferry_terminal_1": {
"Type": "RadTown",
"ShowSuffix": true,
"Broadcast": true,
"LootingTime": 900,
"Price": 15.0,
"BarSettings": {
"Order": 10,
"Height": 26,
"Main_Color": "#FFBF99",
"Main_Transparency": 0.8,
"Main_Material": "",
"Image_URL": " ",
"Image_Sprite": "",
"Image_IsRawImage": false,
"Image_Color": "#FFDCB6",
"Image_Transparency": 1.0,
"Text_Size": 12,
"Text_Color": "#FFFFFF",
"Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
"SubText_Size": 12,
"SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF",
"SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf"
- Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact;
- ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12";
- Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated;
- LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument;
- Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free;
- BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar.
A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section.
"List of tracked types of monuments": [
Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events.
All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section.
You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities.
Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players.
If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event.
Example of event configuration:
"Settings for the events": {
"PatrolHelicopter": {
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
"BradleyAPC": {
"Price": 50.0,
"DeathLimit": 5
- Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free;
- DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json
An example of an item list given for the main inventory:
"List of items for the main inventory": [
"ShortName": "note",
"Slot": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"SkinID": 0,
"Text": "MsgNoteText"
P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text.
File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json
Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players.
- In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends;
- Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders;
- You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission.
Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them.