Demonstration using Lock-On Rockets
Example of the crash explosion
This is NOT the original plane crash mod, but another take on it.
Props to Rusty for giving the go-ahead to make a new version!
Call cargo planes that players can shoot down with a rocket launcher. Works great with Lock-On Rockets!
If a player does not hit the plane with a rocket it will not crash! Alternatively a player can blow up the plane mid-air by hitting it with the amount of rockets specified in the config.
Also note that any player standing infront of the plane when it crashes will be killed instantly!
Commands - Also work in console with out the "/"
/callcrash help - Show the help menu
/callcrash - Calls a plane crash to a random location
/callcrash <x> <z> - Call a plane crash the the specified X and Z co-ordinates
/callcrash <playername> - Call a crash plane on the specified players current position
Config Options:
-- Timer Settings
Autospawn crash planes with a random spawn timer - Setting this to true will enable random crash planes to be called on a timer
Minimum time between autospawned planes (minutes) - The minimum amount of minutes between automated crash events
Maximum time between autospawned planes (minutes) - The maximum amount of minutes between automated crash events
-- Loot Settings (Set any of these to 0 to disable that loot drop)
Fireball lifetime (seconds) - This allows you to adjust the lifetime of the fires
Lock dropped crates and supply drops - This will lock any dropped crate or supply drop for the specified amount of time
Locked crates and supply drop timer (seconds) - The amount of time crates and supply drops will be locked
Crate amount (Crash) - This is the amount of military crates that will be dropped when the plane crashes
Crate amount (Rocket hit) - This is the amount of military crates that will be dropped when the plane is hit with a rocket
Supply drop amount (Rocket hit) - This is the amount of supply drops that will be dropped when the plane is hit with a rocket
Supply drop amount (Crash) - This is the amount of supply drops that will be dropped when the plane is hit with a rocket
Supply drop loot table & Crate drop loot table - These allow for customisation of any supply drop or loot crate that are dropped during an explosion. This is a entirely random process, which chooses random items from the list, and random amounts as set in the list options (Note* This does NOT affect any normal supply drop!)
- Loot List
"Item list": [ // This is a list of items that can be in this loot container
"Maximum amount": 10, // Minimum amount of the item
"Minimum amount": 100, // Maximum amount of the item
"Shortname": "metal.refined" // The items shortname
"Maximum amount": 2,
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Shortname": "explosive.timed"
- Loot Table Options
"Maximum amount of items to drop": 4, // The maximum amount of items to set in this container
"Minimum amount of items to drop": 1, // The minimum amount of items in this container
"Use this loot table": false // Enable/Disable the loot override for this loot container type
-- Message Options
Destroyed crash plane message - This is the message that will be displayed to the server when the plane crashes, by maintaining the X and Z inside { } it will replace that with the co-ordinates
Incoming crash plane message - This is the message that will be displayed to the server when a crash plane is called
Display destroyed crash plane message - Enable/Disable the destroy message
Display incoming crash plane message - Enable/Disable the incoming message
-- Plane Settings
Show smoke on crash site - Enabling this option will attach purple smoke to a couple of dropped loot crates to show nearby players where the crash site is
Flight speed - This is the speed the plane will travel
Height modifier to default flight height - This is used to adjust the planes flight height. If you find that the plane is hitting a mountain you can add additional height using this options
Amount of rocket hits to make the plane crash - This is the number of rockets a plane will take before it starts to crash
Amount of rocket hits to destroy mid-flight - This is the number of rockets a plane will take before it blows up in the air. By default if the plane is hit with 3 rockets before it hits the ground it will explode prematurely
Show smoke trail behind plane - By enabling this option a trail of purple smoke will follow the plane to show players it is a crash plane
Default Config
"Plane Settings": {
"Apply crash mechanics to all spawned planes": false,
"Flight speed": 35.0,
"Show smoke on crash site": true,
"Height modifier to default flight height": 0.0,
"Amount of rocket hits to destroy mid-flight": 3,
"Amount of rocket hits to make the plane crash": 1,
"Show smoke trail behind plane": true,
"Destroy objects that get in the way of a crashing plane": true,
"Destination randomization distance": 50.0,
"Chance of crashing without player interaction (x out of 100)": 20,
"Randomize crash direction (may lean left or right when crashing)": true,
"Automatic crash travel range minimum": 0.3,
"Automatic crash travel range maximum": 0.5
"Loot Settings": {
"Fireball lifetime (seconds)": 300,
"Crate amount (Crash)": 3,
"Supply drop amount (Crash)": 3,
"Crate amount (Rocket hit)": 1,
"Supply drop amount (Rocket hit)": 1,
"Supply drop loot table": {
"Use this loot table": false,
"Minimum amount of items to drop": 2,
"Maximum amount of items to drop": 6,
"Item list": [
"Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "pistol.m92",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "pistol.semiauto",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "shotgun.double",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "smg.thompson",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "rifle.bolt",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Loot despawn time (seconds)": 0,
"Maximum loot spread velocity": 3.0,
"Crate loot table": {
"Use this loot table": false,
"Minimum amount of items to drop": 1,
"Maximum amount of items to drop": 4,
"Item list": [
"Item shortname": "metal.refined",
"Minimum amount": 10,
"Maximum amount": 100
"Item shortname": "explosive.timed",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 2
"Item shortname": "grenade.f1",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 3
"Item shortname": "supply.signal",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "",
"Minimum amount": 1,
"Maximum amount": 1
"Item shortname": "ammo.rifle",
"Minimum amount": 20,
"Maximum amount": 60
"Item shortname": "ammo.pistol",
"Minimum amount": 20,
"Maximum amount": 60
"Loot Locking Settings": {
"Lock dropped crates and supply drops": true,
"Locked crates and supply drop timer (seconds)": 120,
"Lock loot to player who shot down plane": false,
"Allow friends to loot": false,
"Allow clan mates to loot": false,
"Allow team mates to loot": false,
"Amount of time containers will be locked to the player who shot down the plane (seconds)": 600
"Message Options": {
"Display incoming crash plane message": true,
"Display destroyed crash plane message": true,
"Display message stating who shot down the plane": true,
"Use grid coordinates instead of world coordinates": false
"Timer Settings": {
"Autospawn crash planes with a random spawn timer": true,
"Minimum time between autospawned planes (minutes)": 45,
"Maximum time between autospawned planes (minutes)": 60
"LustyMap Integration": {
"Show icon on crash site": true,
"Amount of time the crash icon will be displayed on LustyMap (seconds)": 300,
"Crash icon URL": ""
"Ingame Map Integration": {
"Show ingame map marker on crash site": true,
"Amount of time the crash icon will be displayed on the ingame map (minutes)": 5
"NPC Options": {
"Spawn NPCs at the crash site": true,
"Amount of NPCs to spawn": 5,
"Spawn corpses at the crash site": false,
"Amount of corpses to spawn": 5,
"Custom kit for the corpses (Requires 'Replace corpse loot' set to true)": "",
"Type of NPCs to spawn (Murderer / Scientist / HeavyScientist)": "Murderer",
"Custom kit for the NPC": "",
"Replace corpse loot with current items": true,
"Initial health for the NPC": 100.0,
"Despawn time for NPCs (seconds)": 300,
"NPC Names (Chosen at random)": [],
"Chance that NPCs will spawn in the wounded state (x out of 100)": 0,
"Chance that NPCs will recover from the wounded state (x out of 100)": 20,
"NPC's that spawn dead, or die from despawn time use the plane's attacker as the killer": true
"Command Cooldowns (permission / time in minutes)": {
"planecrash.cancall.vip1": 120,
"planecrash.cancall.vip2": 60,
"planecrash.cancall.vip3": 30
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 115