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VIP RUST Extended Industrial 1.2.0
Extended Industrial

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Extended Industrial: Add Storage Adapters to Deployables​

ExtendedIndustrial is a plugin that adds a storage adapter to deployables when you have the proper permission. With this plugin, you can also force storage adapters on anything with an item container using a chat command, or place storage adapters on extra deployables while in placement mode. Additionally, it installs a Harmony patch to allow the storage adapters that it spawns in to function.
How to Use ExtendedIndustrial
To use this plugin, give players permission to “extendedindustrial.place” and then permission for the extra deployable you want to add storage adapters to. Alternatively, you can give them permission for all deployable with “extendedindustrial.all”. When a player has a storage adapter in their hands and looks at a deployable they have permission for, a blue icon will appear, allowing them to place it. The storage adapter they were holding will be consumed.

Chat Command
The “/addadapter” command will attempt to spawn a storage adapter on any item container that’s part of the prefab you’re looking at while the chat command is used. This is useful for adding storage adapters to things spawned by other plugins, such as AutoFarms seed and plant boxes.

The following permissions are named for what they will add:

extendedindustrial.place – players can place a adapater on what they are looking at if they have permission for that entity
extendedindustrial.spawn – With this perm players can spawn a adapater on what they are looking if it has a container
extendedindustrial.attach – With this perm adapter will be spawn on all entitys the player has perms for
extendedindustrial.all – With this perm you can use all items
extendedindustrial.planterbox – Grants planterbox adapter
extendedindustrial.flameturret – Grants flameturret adapter
extendedindustrial.guntrap – Grants guntrap adapter
extendedindustrial.snowmachine – Grants snowmachine adapter
extendedindustrial.fogmachine – Grants fogmachine adapter
extendedindustrial.samsite – Grants samesite adapter
extendedindustrial.fuelgenerator – Grants fuelgenerator adapter
extendedindustrial.autoturret – Grants autoturret adapter
extendedindustrial.dropbox – Grants dropbox adapter
extendedindustrial.composter – Grants composter adapter
extendedindustrial.hitchtrough – Grants hitchtrough adapter
extendedindustrial.recycler – Grants recycler adapter
extendedindustrial.mixingtable – Grants mixingtable adapter
extendedindustrial.stash – Grants stash adapter
extendedindustrial.tunalight – Grants tunalight adapter
extendedindustrial.hobobarrel – Grants hobobarrel adapter
extendedindustrial.skull_fire_pit – Grants skull_fire_pit adapter
extendedindustrial.campfire – Grants campfire adapter
extendedindustrial.furnace – Grants old furnace adapter
extendedindustrial.fireplace – Grants fireplace adapter
extendedindustrial.hab_storage – Grants hotairbloon storage adapter
extendedindustrial.bbq – Grants BBQ adapter
extendedindustrial.fishtrap – Grants fishtrap adapter

When storage adapters are auto-attached, damage to and picking up the storage adapters from these deployables is blocked. However, they can still take damage and be picked up if attached with placement mode.

This plugin won’t change the default behavior of deployables, Its only hooking into there storage container. Deployables without IO inputs must be manually turned on, but by being creative, you can make them all work. For example, with the mixing table, set it up so that as soon as gunpowder has been crafted, it moves it out to safety. For the recycler, you’ll need to use a plugin that lets players place recyclers and be creative with filters so the output is faster than the input. Planter boxes the adapter is in the middle of it just below dirt level to allow plants to grow without the light being blocked, use a low max fert in the conveyor to stop players stealing all your fert. The small stash is more of a meme than usable since the pipe can still be seen, but it’s supported nonetheless.

Install the plugin on your server in the plugins folder.
This will then create a config file under the same name.
Open this config file. Enter your Order ID that can be found here https://lone.design/my-account/orders/
Make any settings changes to suite your preferences.
Restart plugin. The plugin will download dynamically optimized harmony code and will output to console License validated.
From here your good to go. Give the users the permissions you want them to be allowed to use.

Check out the following videos for more information on how to use ExtendedIndustrial:

Upgrade your server’s deployables with ExtendedIndustrial today.

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