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Anti Team

VIP RUST Anti Team 1.0.8
Rust oxide Plugin Anti Team

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Note: This AntiTeam plugin works with any group size, any alerts involving only two players assume they are not on the same team. If more than two players participate in the alert, each pair of players will receive an alert registered in their file.​

Plugin information:​

Contactless system:

  • tracks the amount of time two players were in close proximity to each other.
  • tracks the number of kills two players received while in close proximity and the number of times they killed each other in close proximity.
  • excellent performance, the plugin has been completely rewritten to ensure its best possible performance, it currently runs on more than 400 pop servers without problems.

Note Logging system:​

When a player gives a note to another player, the contents of the note and the profile information of the two players will register in dissonance.

Administrator commands:​

  • /alerts {ID} {ID} – will show team alerts of two players
  • /prox {ID} {ID} – will show data about the proximity of two players
  • /friends {ID} – will show all players on the server who are Steam friends with the player and how long they have been friends for several years.
  • /friends {ID} {ID} – will show whether the two players are friends of Steam, and if so, how long they have been friends
  • /voicelogs {ID} {ID} – will show how much time the two players spent communicating with each other via voice chat

Automatic prohibition system:

The automatic ban system works by assigning a weight value to each team alert, once two players initiate an alert, it will review all their past alerts and add their respective weight values, if that combined weight exceeds a particular Autobahn limit, it will trigger a ban. You can also assign weight to a contactless system if two users spent more than 5 minutes together, increase your weight by 0.3 if users have 3 more intimacy kills than suicides, increase it by 0.5, this is all customizable in the configuration file.
we have been using this automated system on the willjums solo server for some time now and it captures most of the team members.

  • automatically ban battlemetrics, with warnings, proximity and other evidence included in the notes.
  • support for native bans.
  • as an alternative to setting the maximum command size, you can temporarily lock the command because it has a command size above the group limit for x minutes, the duration of the lock and the time it takes to be on the command are configured in the configuration.

Automatic search for friends on Steam:​

when two players initiate an alert, the plugin automatically checks its friends list to see if they are Steam friends and includes the results in the built-in alert. This can also be customized to increase their autobahn weight if they are Steam friends. You can also set a minimum number of days that users have been friends to increase their autobahn weight.

Discord support:​

All alerts will be sent to the specified discord webhook, you can configure the plugin so that it does not send certain alerts, or not send an alert if players do not have past alerts, this can be configured for each alert. The implementation of the alert contains the following information.

  • The name of the server on which the alert was initiated.
  • Brief description of how the alert was launched to provide more context to administrators.
  • Coordinates of where the alarm went off to easily teleport there.
  • Shows whether users are friends of Steam, or if users have personal profiles, so it was unconvincing.
  • Shows past player alerts.
  • Shows information about the player's proximity.
  • shows player names, links to their steam accounts, and links to their battlemetrics accounts.

F7 reports:​

When a player reports another player to a team via the F7 reports menu (you'll be surprised how many people report teams through this).

Collaboration Alerts:​

All images for these warnings can be found in the product image gallery.

Command raid:​

This alert tracks all players around the active raid and determines if they are with the riders, the number of riders found exceeds the group limit, this will trigger an alert.

Command kill:​

This alert tracks all PvPs and finds all players fighting as a group.

Relationship warning:​

When the player marks the other player as friendly in the contact menu.

Cabinet warning:​

When the number of players tested on the cabinet exceeds the group limit. Will Nigeria decaying grounds.

Tower warning:​

When the number of players who have passed the turret test exceeds the group limit. Will Nigeria decaying grounds.

Code blocking warning:​

When the number of players who pass the code lock test exceeds the group limit.

Looting warning:​

When two players rob the same body together. Only works on the body of a real player.

Bag warning:​

When a player hits a base that already has the maximum number of players packed inside.

The team accepts:​

When a player accept an invitation to the full team.

Common vehicle alert:​

When the number of players installed in the vehicle exceeds the group limit.


When a player revives another player.

Voice chat:​

When two players talk to each other via voice chat

Configuration for AntiTeam:​

General configuration options:​

  • (Ignore administrators) — whether administrators should be ignored when tracking alerts.
  • (Group Limit) – maximum command size of your server.
  • (where command alerts will be sent (leave blank to disconnect)) – web interceptor to which command alerts will be sent.
  • (Server name sent with an embed warning (put «default» to use the server hostname, or empty do not include any name)) – does not require explanation.
  • (Role ID, role ID you want to check with warning (leave blank to disable)) – does not require explanation.
  • (Role ID, the identifier of the role you want to check for automatic lock alerts) — does not require explanation.
  • (where F7 Command Reports will be sent (leave blank to disconnect)) – does not require explanation.
  • (Report color, command report embed color) -that color in decimal format, here is a useful website for converting hex codes to decimal codes.

Team Kill configuration options:​

I've been using this for almost a year now, it took a lot of false triggers, but now it's very accurate.

  • (MaximumDistance) – is the maximum distance players can be from each other to cause a team kill.
  • (MaximumHieght) – is the maximum height distance players can be from each other to trigger a team kill.
  • (MinimumDistanceToTarget) — is the minimum distance players must be from the user they are shooting to cause a team kill.
  • (MaximumAngle) - The maximum angle at which players can be separated from each other to cause a team to be killed ensures that one is not directly behind the other, which can lead to false triggers.

Note Logging options:​

  • (Enabled) – enable/disable this function.
  • (Webhook) – where note logs will be sent

Close Interaction Configuration Options:​

  • (Enabled) – is enabled/disabled contactless system, (it is very good in performance, no need to disable it if you have very high pop).
  • (SaveToFile) – whether to save the file to the server or simply reset the close interaction data when rebooting.
  • (WipeFileOnWipe) -Whether to erase a close interaction file when cleaning a card, keep in mind that the ability to build up a file can cause performance issues.
  • (TrackKills) – enabled/disabled contactless homicide and suicide tracking.
  • (HasToBeVisible) - it will only increase their proximity time if there is a clear line of sight between the two players.
  • (ProximityDistance) – radius that the proximity system will use.
  • (ProximityKillTrigger) – how many more contactless murders against suicides players need to increase their auto-ban weight by the specified amount.
  • (ProximityKillWeight) – the player's automatic ban weight will increase if he calls the above warning.
  • (ProximityTimeTrigger) – the number of seconds two players must be in close proximity before he increases their autobahn weight by the specified amount.
  • (ProximityTimeWeight) – the player's autobahn weight will increase if their proximity time exceeds the specified time trigger.

Friends Check Configuration:​

  • (Enabled) – enable/disable automatic search for friends on Steam.
  • (Minimum friend time, minimum number of days users were friends) – speaks for itself.
  • (weight) – is the number by which the player's autobahn weight will increase if he is team friends within the specified number of days.
  • (SteamAPIKey) - your Steam API key, you need it to be able to use Steam's automatic friend search feature, here's a short video on how to get a Steam API key

Temporary locks for players who are in a group that exceeds the limit (requires that the team's user interface is not limited):​

  • (Enabled) – enable/disable this feature (it is disabled by default).
  • (The number of minutes they must be in a group exceeding the limit to trigger a ban) – does not require explanation.
  • (Lock duration in minutes) – the number of minutes during which users will be blocked.
  • (Block message) – message about blocking.
  • (Temp ban webhook) – web interceptor to which a temporary ban warning will be sent.
  • (Temp ban message embed color) -that color in decimal format, here is a useful website for converting hex codes to decimal codes.

Automatic demo recorder:​

  • (Enabled) – enable/disable automatic demo recording function.
  • (duration of demo recordings) – in minutes.
  • (Webhook) – web interceptor where demo recordings will be sent

Battlemetric prohibition options:​

  • (your battlemetrics token) - get your token from the battlemetrics developer page.
  • (Ban list ID, you can leave this one blank and it will use your default ban list) - requires no explanation.
  • (Ban reason) – bath message/reason.
  • (Bahn notes that a line under this text will be added as proof of the ban) — notes that will be included in the battlemetrics ban.

Parameters for autobahns:​

  • (EnableAutoBan) – enable/disable autobahn.
  • (AutoBanWebhook) – web interceptor to which automatic blocking alerts will be sent.
  • (Auto ban message embed color) -that color in decimal format, here is a useful website for converting hex codes to decimal codes.
  • (AutoBanWeight) — if the autobahn weight of two players reaches this value, they are considered team if they already have a full team, or the number of people with whom they are tagged as combined exceeds the group limit, a ban will work (if you have either battlemetrics enabled or a native ban, if not, it will simply send an automatic ban warning without issuing a ban).
  • (Team ban, when a player on a full team teams up with another outside player, it will result in the entire team or only two players being blocked) - requires no explanation.
  • (banLength) – in days.
  • (NativeBan) – turn on/off the native ban.
  • (BattlemetricsBan) – enable/disable battlemetrics lock (you can disable native and BM ban, and simply send an automatic ban warning).

Alert options:​

note: In the AntiTeam configuration you will see these exact options, but for each type of alert.


  • (Weight) – auto-ban weight.
  • (Enabled) – whether the alert should be fully enabled/disabled.
  • (AlertColor) - Alert embed color, this color in decimal format, here is a useful website for converting hex codes to decimal codes.
  • (Stackable) – can two players activate an alert more than once.
  • (AutoDemoRecord) – whether to start demo recording when this alert is triggered.
  • (DontShowAlone) - changing this to true will cause it not to send a nonconformity warning unless players have past warnings.
  • (SendDiscordAlert) – whether this alert should be sent by discord (will now still be raised in past alerts for other insurances and count towards the weight of the players' automatic ban)
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